Soon after being sworn in as the 44th President, Obama will have his first lunch hosted by the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies at the historic Statuary Hall at the US Capitol. The following is a conversation between two women on the wait staff as they set up the room for lunch.
“I’ve heard it said he’s going to help the poor.” Sally stood facing the head table.
“Good, maybe I’ll finally get that pony I’ve always wanted. Hand me that vase and smooth out that corner, there can’t be any wrinkles.” Martha replied as she darted between tables.
“Have you heard him speak? His voice is so soothing, like being dipped in warm honey.” Sally whispered.
“Give me a break. I guess he got your vote. If you can’t work and talk at the same time don’t talk. We have to get the room ready. The Inauguration starts soon and if we aren’t finished, heads will roll and I don’t want it to be mine.”
“Will we be able to watch?” Sally carefully fluffed the linen.
“If we get finished we can watch it in the kitchen. May as well, all the other staff will be in there. If they get their work done that is.” Martha gave Sally a stern look.
“This is an historic day, the first President of color,” Sally said dreamily.
“Their all the same color once they get in office.”
“I’m glad he has kids. It brings him closer to the concerns of the people.”
“So you think the rich know how the poor feel? What their needs are? What it feels like to be hungry?”
“I doubt you’ve ever gone hungry. He says he’s on the side of the people.”
“That’s what they all say.” Martha replied sarcastically.
“But he’s going to make health care available and create new jobs and help the economy.”
“If you tell me you think he can walk on water, I’ll throw up. Bring those extra napkins and table cloths and let’s go to the kitchen.”
“I want you to take a picture of me in the room where he will eat his first meal after being sworn in.” Sally removed a small camera from her uniform pocket.
“Are you serious?”
“Here.” Sally handed the camera to Martha then stood by the head table.
“Okay, let’s hurry it’s about to start.”
“So you are excited.”
“I’ll give him a chance. Why not? I doubt he could be any worse than any of the others. We’ll know who he really is soon enough, for better or worse.”
“Doesn’t Michelle look beautiful? Her skin looks golden. That dress is a perfect color for her.”
“Who wouldn’t look good in a Versace? There’s usually more to people than what they show you. It’s the unspoken agenda’s that worry me. We’ll see.”
“It’s happening, he’s being sworn in. He sure is lean and tall. He has such a strong voice I could listen to him all day. Michelle sure is lucky and those girls. Can you imagine having him for a father?”
“Good grief!”
“He must be so happy right now. What book is he laying his hand on? It looks really old.”
“Oh, that’s a book written over 2,000 years ago about another man, only that man really can walk on water.”
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